Table of Contents
戦国Ⅰ 「十輪院内府記」文明九年閏正月二十六日条・二月日条・五日条・六日条・七日条・十一日条・十三日条・十四日条・十五日条・二十九日条・三月二十七日条・四月七日条・十四日条・十七日条・二十三日条 (Diary enteries of Jūrinin for the year Bunmei 9)


戦国Ⅰ 「十輪院内府記」文明九年閏正月二十六日条・二月日条・五日条・六日条・七日条・十一日条・十三日条・十四日条・十五日条・二十九日条・三月二十七日条・四月七日条・十四日条・十七日条・二十三日条 (Diary enteries of Jūrinin for the year Bunmei 9)
(閏正月) (一四七七年)(1477)



四日、晴、加州より渡部民部卿平泉寺衆徒(越前国)余り(より)被官也(中院通秀)、上洛、地下蜂を せしめ、國の方之押妨之支度を退く(しりぞく)べき也、奉書の事早速沙汰を申すべきと 云々、仍って春(日)局に申し遣す(つかす)と雖も、御沙汰を始め以前叶うべからずと 云々、

五日、綸旨を本願寺に成し下さるる之由、傳奏(でんそう)に付け勸修寺大納言(教秀)、申し 入れ之處、勅許と云々、先度也、仰せ遣われ、重而(かさねて)勅許、忝(かたじく)畏 入り(なくいり)也、

六日、綸旨の到來、加州額田の庄(江沼郡)・加納八田の庄(同郡)國方の押妨、門徒中同 意之條、太(はなはだ)叱るべからず、嚴密下知に加え、彼の妨げを退けるべき之由也、 即ち(すなわち)著衣冠參の内(だい)、畏れ申しおわぬ、御庭花得り盛り、拝見をすべき 之由勅定す、


十一日、柳代二百疋布施の許(もと)を遣う、喜悦之由返答す、奉書を調べ給うべしと云々、 今日富元を本願寺に遣わす、下笠籌策状有り呼、

十三日、晩に及び富元歸來、浚(さらい)嶮路に勝る(まさる)褒料すと云々、本願寺に 返報、門徒正躰になければ、門徒を放すべしと云々、慇懃(いんぎん)返答也、(下略)

十四日(子発)(今日)、晴(廣薨)、晩に及び細雨、額田の庄京濟(きょうすまし)奉「書 到」來、肖柏(牡丹の花)籌策也、奉行松田主計(教秀)に允(ゆるす)也、加州「      」、 (下略)

「十」五日、壬丑、渡部先加州に下向をせしむ、宗紙(飯尾)(有るか)「        」 廿九日、勸(勧修寺教秀)により信有り、參の内(だい)をすべしと云々、仍って即ち參 上、北小路女房(医師苗子)・大津局に子細を申し入れ之有り、所詮本願寺、國の儀(加賀) 不寄(ふき)を他國にせしむ之處、猶以って訴訟に及ぶ、綸旨を成される之條、迷惑之至 也、所詮一揆同意をせしめば、門徒を放すべし、子細を書状に載る、之を申し入れるべし、 仍って其の同道勸(勸修寺教秀)亞相、陣屋の件に於いて一盞興行す、即ち紙筆を借用し申し 入れおわぬ、


二月「廿九日(廿以下、紙背文書二ヨリ補ウ)(pp.269-271) 通秀(中院)

勸修寺(教秀)殿           」○コノ申状案ト同文ノモノ、










These are the diary entries of Jūrinin, a monk residing in a subsidiary temple of Kōfukuji. They start by describing the arrival of messengers from Kaga, bringing news of the uprising by the `kuni no kata`. Apparently this warranted a quick response, and a following letter was sent to Kasuga no Tsubone which issued a directive to the ikki ordering them to desist, which they ignored. Orders were then sent to Honganji, and then relayed on to Kajūji with the shogunate`s approval. On the 6th of the 2nd month, the orders of the shogunate are made known, whereby those allied to the Monto are to desist in their activities within Nukata and Hatta no Shō as are those members of the Monto who are `of the same mind`. On the 13th, Honganji gave its reply, stating that if those persons creating disturbances were part of the Monto, then they will be expelled. On the 14th , though, tithes from Nukata no Shō arrive.

On the 29th day of the 10th month a letter from Michihide arrived at Jūrinin (addressed to Kajūji), which was then transmitted to Ōtsu no Tsubone. The content was much the same as before, addressing Honganji (Rennyo) and reiterating the demand that any Monto members supporting the invasion of Nukata no Shō should be expelled from the sect. The letter itself follows (quoted in its entirety). It specifically points out that the Enuma and Nomi gun ikki had openly approached the kokujin Yamakawa Mikawa no Kami during the uprising of Bunmei 7, stating that they would `withdraw from the shōen` and hand it to the daikan. Yet at present they were engaged in illegal activities within the shōen, and thus once again an order has been issued. Michihide ends the letter by asking whether this order had reached Kajūji. On the 20th of the 4th month, news arrived that a deputy of the shugo Masachika had been engaging in illegal activities on the property of Kanrōji (Ōkuwa and Toyoda). An order had thus been issued ordering Masachika to restrain his followers. On the 21st, Naka no In Michihide had finally received official approval to travel to Kaga.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011